August 2024

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A Yogurt Revival?

Yelp is unimpressed with its other location on Canal Street, but LoveMi Yogurt will try its luck at 4th Ave. and 13th Street.

Union Square is bustling, with robust foot traffic recovery, a strong roster of new retail and office tenants, and new mixed-use residential developments in the pipeline.

Key data points from the last 12 months highlight the district’s strengths:

1.1M SF of office
space leased in the
last 12 months

58K+ average daily
riders at Union Square
-14th Street Station

13% higher visitor
activity on Greenmarket
days in USQ

370K average daily
weekday trips to the
Union Square area

78K+ SF of ground floor
retail space leased in
the last 12 months

Visitor traffic reached
a high of 109% recovery
over January 2020


∫ Union Square’s residents have strong spending power,
with average household incomes nearly 75% higher than the
Manhattan average.
∫ By the end of 2023, visitor traffic hit 109% of January 2020
levels, driven by Union Square’s vibrant mix of uses and the
steady return of office workers.
∫ Leading employers choose Union Square, and the biggest
new leases represent finance, technology, hospitality, and
∫ Union Square grew as a job center, with its workforce
increasing by 12% since 2023 to reach 168K employees.
The tech and innovation sector remains strong, with over 45
companies located in the area.
∫ 43 new businesses opened in the past year, 60% of which
are food and beverage establishments. Indicating a return to
in-person dining, the number of new sit-down restaurants in
the district increased by 25% over the number that opened in
the previous year.

Pizzazz Pizza

Pizzazz Pizza offers a new twist on the Neapolitan pizza classic. Their personal pies to go are made fresh and are the perfect thing to pick up for a picnic, dinner, or to fulfill your pizza cravings. Keep an eye out for their grand opening coming soon!

On Saturdays Aug. 3, 10, and 17th, enjoy 8 hours of car free streets on Park Avenue S, Union Sq E and 4th Ave, with countless programs and activities from 7AM to 3PM. Summer Streets provides space for healthy recreation and encourages New Yorkers to use more sustainable forms of transportation.

Oct. 29 is the date for the park’s signature fall celebration to raise vital funds for the district’s cherished Union Square Park. Highlighting the district’s best restaurants and the vibrant Greenmarket, enjoy tastings from renowned local chefs paired with classic and innovative drinks.

Details here.